Tis Spring! Handel is playing in the background and images in twenty-four shades of green dance in my mind. Spring is the season most of the world emerges from the darkened days of Winter. Spring is the reason to come alive and move our life outside. Notice all those things around us that are rejoicing the ret urn of Spring. Move in the light of the sun, run from the rain.
It has been nearly ten years sin c e I first came to the islands to live all year round. I had visited each "season" over 30 years and was o ften told there are only two seasons on the island. The "rainy season "and "trade wind season". As for Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, and having four distinctive times of climate and light change, on the island there are two distinct times. Months of enormous downpours and months with gentle whirling winds that cool from the intense Tropical sun.
As an artist , I have discovered that indeed there are four seasons here as well. Not so definitive, but more subtle and requiring discerned observation. Spring on Kaua'i there are many trees coming into florecent green with new growth and promises. The Monkeypod tree with its constant canopy of shelter for song birds. The Mango filled with yellow blossoms soon to be bursting fruit.
Many birds are singing in a crisper voice and longer songs. The Jungle fowl are quieter because of the rains that rush over with intense downpours. They duck under, huddled down to protect themselves, rather then chime away in there joyful crowing. The Java Sparrows are teaching the young to fly and scour for food. My yard is filled with their constant chattering back and forth as they flock and feed.
It has been nearly ten years sin c e I first came to the islands to live all year round. I had visited each "season" over 30 years and was o ften told there are only two seasons on the island. The "rainy season "and "trade wind season". As for Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, and having four distinctive times of climate and light change, on the island there are two distinct times. Months of enormous downpours and months with gentle whirling winds that cool from the intense Tropical sun.
As an artist , I have discovered that indeed there are four seasons here as well. Not so definitive, but more subtle and requiring discerned observation. Spring on Kaua'i there are many trees coming into florecent green with new growth and promises. The Monkeypod tree with its constant canopy of shelter for song birds. The Mango filled with yellow blossoms soon to be bursting fruit.
Many birds are singing in a crisper voice and longer songs. The Jungle fowl are quieter because of the rains that rush over with intense downpours. They duck under, huddled down to protect themselves, rather then chime away in there joyful crowing. The Java Sparrows are teaching the young to fly and scour for food. My yard is filled with their constant chattering back and forth as they flock and feed.
Your words are as inspiring as your spirit, my friend! Happy spring to you- may it be abundant in all ways for you and yours :)
What a beautiful, poetic post! :)
I wish I was there with you. I feel like spring will never come- we're still buried under snow! The light is changing, though, which gives me hope! :)
Oh Schar...I love to read your haikus daily and this post was from a true wordsmith! Your tree painting is lovely~~I hope the art show this past weekend went well for you and Marionette - my husband and I were going to stop by on Sat(it was our anniversary) but we ended up spending a quiet day at home...can't wait to meet you both! Thanks for sharing your thoughts of spring and God bless....Dava
you have such an articulate and positive voice in your writing, schar. it's great to read.
Sistah Schar,
Thank you for the cup o' java this morning, and I especially enjoyed our talk story session! Yes, it is spring here on Kauai! I had so much fun at the Hanapepe Orchid Festival this past weekend! You must blog about your award-winning piece from the festival!
With Much Aloha,
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