She imagined she would find
black feathered woman
heard her caw under
amber red dawn as she
took flight over Oak tree
tartan green canopies.
Followed as she soared
over mountain peaks
lassoes high noon rays
glistening off blue-black wings
like mirrors in cerulean blue sky.
Watched her land in
sheltered shadows of tall pines,
cooling tussled feathers
from hot summer sun.
Soared with her
as twilight guided her home
to remain nestled
in Giant Sequoia dreams
redwood scented, rich
and moisten with the night.
© 2004~09 scharCbear
You are a multi-talented artist! This poem is beautiful! REally put me in a good mood! Mahalo, Sistah!
Just gorgeous - the colors in the photo are soothing and welcoming...the poem, haunting ~ so proud to have you and Marionette as my Kauai sistahs :D God bless...Dava
I love it, simply beautiful in thought, word and deed.
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